What Do E3 and E5 Errors Mean on Electric Fireplaces?

These are error codes for electric fireplaces. Each one of them has a special meaning. Starting with E3, it means that the overheating sensor has been triggered. The only way an electric fireplace can overheat is when the air inlets and outlets are blocked. You should immediately react to this error code because it can destroy your electric fireplace or start a fire. 

On the other hand, E5 means there is a problem with the fan or the vents. There is something that is making the fan not spin freely. Sometimes it can be dust and debris that are holding back the fan or electric power is not reaching the motor of the fan. The voltage of the fireplace also contributes a lot to this problem. 

Solutions to E3 Error and E5 Error 

The solution to the e3 Error 

Overheating in an electric fireplace is caused by inadequate airflow. Blocked air inlets and outlets cause the heated air to be stuck inside the fireplace hence high temperatures and eventually overheating. 

So the first solution is to ensure the electric fireplace has a good clearance distance. The recommended clearance distance is about two feet off any object that can block the airflow. Ensure the electric fireplace is off the wall and the floor. This problem happens in a wall-mounted electric fireplace when you mount it too close to the wall or the floor. 

Check for dust and dirt build-up in the air vents. Ensure the electric fireplace is unplugged from the power socket when checking for dust and dirt build-up. Or else you are at risk of electrocution. If you find some dirt, clean it up. 

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Another trick you can try is restarting the electric fireplace. Turn off the master switch and unplug it from the power socket. Then, wait five minutes before you plug in and turn on the master switch. Doing so resets the electric fireplace and can solve the problem forever. 

The solution to the E5 Error 

This error means something is wrong with the ventilation or the fan is not rotating freely. This can be caused by something stuck in the fan or blocked airflow. A wrong voltage of the fireplace can also cause the fan to stop spinning. 

To fix the problem, check if something is blocking the fan. Make sure the electric fireplace is unplugged from the socket before doing this. If nothing is blocking the fan, then try the other solution below. 

Try a full power recycle. Switch off the electric fireplace and unplug it from the socket. Wait for five minutes and plug it in, then switch it on. Doing so will auto-correct the error. Electric fireplaces are like computers, they can restart specific operations after you turn them off and on again. 

How to Clean the Interior of an Electric Fireplace 

The interior of an electric fireplace has two main parts that require cleaning. These are; the heater coil and the fan. 

How to Clean the Heater Coil of an Electric Fireplace. 

What you need 

  • A dry piece of cloth 
  • A soft brush 
  • Vacuum cleaner 

Step 1 

Switch off the electric fireplace and unplug it from the power socket. Then open the backside. 

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Step 2 

Locate the heater coil. Each electric fireplace has its own design and shape of the heater coil. Then take the dry piece of cloth and wipe off the outside surface of the heater coil. Do not use water or any liquid. Water can cause rusting and sometimes electrocution. 

Step 3 

Now is the time to remove the stubborn carbon residues and stuck debris. Use the soft brush to scrub the heater’s surface. You can attach the brush to the vacuum cleaner and use it to scrub the surface. 

Scrub until you see the original surface of the coil. Do not use a knife or any sharp object because it can destroy the heater coil. 

Step 4 

Use the vacuum cleaner to remove the residues and debris that fall off after scrubbing. 

Step 5

You can now return the back cover if there is no other part to clean.

How to Clean the Fan of an Electric Fireplace 

What you need 

  • A vacuum cleaner 
  • A dry piece of cloth 
  • Ethanol/alcohol 
  • A small soft brush 

Step 1

Switch off the electric fireplace and unplug it from the power socket. Then open up the backside. 

Step 2 

Use the dry piece of cloth to wipe off the dust and dirt on each blade of the fan. 

Step 3 

Use the soft brush to scrub off the stubborn stains on the blades of the fan.

Step 4 

Now use the vacuum cleaner to remove the particle that might have fallen off during the scrubbing process. 

Step 5 

Dip the dry cloth in ethanol and wipe each blade of the fan. 

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Step 6 

Cover up the backside and you are done. 

How to Clean the Air Vents of an Electric Fireplace 

What you need 

  • A small brush with a long handle 
  • A dry piece of cloth 
  • A long stick of ¼ an inch diameter 
  • Vacuum cleaner 

Step 1 

Switch off the electric fireplace and unplug it from the power socket. And open up the backside. 

Step 2

Use the dry piece of cloth and the stick to clean the air inlets and outlet pipes. 

Step 3 

Use the small brush with a long handle to scrub off the stubborn stains in the air vents. 

Step 4 

Use the vacuum cleaner to remove the fallen particles while scrubbing. 

Step 5 

Close up the backside and you are done. 


Don’t get worried when you see E3 and E5 errors on your electric fireplace. E3 simply means the overheating sensor has been triggered and the fireplace needs to cool down. It also means there is a bad flow of air. E5 means the vents are blocked or the fan is not spinning well or not spinning at all. Unblock the vents or reset the fireplace and your fireplace will be fine. 

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